Since everyone I know was busy doing something else on New Yr's Eve, I stayed home in an empty, quiet house and finished Season 1 of Scrubs. It was great.
I took this at 5:30AM as I was coming back from driving Athena to the airport. You would think with the economy so bad that people would NOT have their Christmas lights on all night.
I did that. Those are the cards that we received from patients and fellow Drs. I thought it looked nice, and I took the picture b/c it's the only thing festive we have in the office.
This was on the website that we use for electronic billing to submit insurance claims at our office. I thought it was pretty awesome. Imagine how much that would cost you?
We went out to celebrate D's b-day today and I got this for dessert. Chocolate peanut butter pie. I was just impressed with the presentation. Pretty good for Friday's.
Please applaud me for my attempts at being healthy. Not to mention good bone health, a healthy heart, and a healthy reproductive system, b/c we all need those.
Athena invited Brandie, Amy, and myself over to her job to keep her company and Brandie brought along her Wii. This is Amy and Athena playing the boxing game. I love Amy's face. Priceless.
So the POS that I am privileged to drive constantly has the gas light on even though I put $30 worth of gas in the car. Stupid technical difficulties. P.S. Jenn, I was stopped.